
Starting May 20, 2024 at 8:00am, interested organizations will be able to submit a letter of intent by clicking here:

Orlando Health Community Grant Program LOI Application

As part of Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital's ongoing commitment to be engaged and involved in communities throughout Pinellas County – fulfilling our mission to improve the health and quality of life of the individuals and communities we serve – we are pleased to offer competitive grants through the Orlando Health Community Grant Program to assist in coordinating, enriching and supporting efforts that help promote health and wellness in our community.

These grants will serve to provide resources needed to fill a specific health- or wellness-related need impacting the families in our communities. The Orlando Health Community Grant Program will focus mostly on funding initiatives that align with the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment, specifically initiatives that enhance access to care.

The Orlando Health Community Grant Program is one way Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital invests back into our community, providing support for the important work being done in the Pinellas County area. Please review the following information carefully before submitting an application.

Phase I – All interested organizations will need to submit a letter of intent by Sunday, June 9, 2024. The letter of intent application will open on May 20, 2024 at 8:00am and can be accessed by clicking here: Orlando Health Community Grant Program LOI Application

Please note: Team members do not participate in the letter of intent process. Team members should refer to SWIFT for more information.

Phase II – By Monday, June 18, 2024 organizations will be notified whether they are moving forward to a full proposal. Only invited organizations will be asked to submit a full grant proposal by July 7, 2024. Upon invitation, organizations will be provided instructions for submission.

Below is the fiscal year 2025 Orlando Health Community Grant Program application timeline:

Monday, May 20, 2024: Letter of intent process opens for external organizations
Sunday, June 9, 2024: Letter of intent due
Tuesday, June 18, 2024: Organizations will be notified whether they have been selected to submit a full grant proposal
Team member application opens on SWIFT
Sunday, July 7, 2024: Full proposal and team member application due
Mid-September 2024: Notification of awards
October 1, 2024: Start date for funded projects

We appreciate the great work you do in our community and look forward to partnering to support your organization’s efforts. If you have any questions, please email