Emergencies can’t wait, and Orlando Health ERs are ready. Don't delay your care– we're here when you need us.
Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital is equipped to handle any emergency, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Led by board-certified emergency room physicians and an expertly trained clinical team, our ER utilizes a Fast Track system for minor emergencies, offering personalized emergency care in less time.
Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital is nationally accredited as a Comprehensive Stroke Center and is the only state-accredited Level II Adult Trauma Center in Pinellas County. Plus, our ER is supported by a full range of acute care services including diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, comprehensive cardiac services, and operating rooms.
If you, or someone you know, are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, go directly to the ER or dial 9-1-1 immediately.
ER, Urgent Care or Primary Care Physician?
When should you go to the ER versus visiting an urgent care center or your primary care physician (PCP)? Our handy guide can help you make that decision. Fill in the form to download our free guide listing conditions that should be treated by an ER, an urgent care center or your primary care physician.